Georgia Disability Benefits: A Guide for Monthly Payments

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Important: we updated this article in October 2024 after fact checking against current Social Security Administration policy and data. Interested in learning how to qualify for Georgia disability benefits? It’s a great question, since Georgia is the birthplace of Coca Cola, some rappers, Real Housewives, and the Civil Rights Movement (thanks MLK Jr.). If you’re a resident who needs Georgia disability benefits, there are programs out there to support you. But first, a few things we love about the state whose motto is “Wisdom, Justice, and Moderation.”

When most people think of Georgia, peaches are probably top of mind. But really, that’s nuts! Why? Well, though the state does grow some delicious fruit, it is in fact peanuts that are its top product. In fact, Georgia is number one in the entire nation for peanuts — producing more than three-and-a-half billion pounds per year. That’s a lot of PB&J! Georgia is also home to former US President Jimmy Carter (who was a peanut farmer before politics, FYI).

And when it comes to getting disability in Georgia, the payments are more than peanuts. But you must know how to apply, qualify, and what documents you’ll need to get that process started. Follow our guidelines below to boost your chances for a successful outcome.

Qualifying for Georgia Disability Benefits: Key Takeaways

  • Your medical condition is just one component of the disability application and approval process. You’ll also need to meet income, work history, and other technical eligibility requirements.
  • Successful applications also come with access to federal health insurance coverage. SSI recipients qualify for Medicaid coverage the same month payments begin. For people awarded SSDI, you’ll need to wait 24 months to get automatic access to Medicare coverage.
  • Most disabled workers awarded SSD payments today get somewhere between the average and maximum monthly payment allowed.
  • Filing with an attorney triples your approval chances the first time you apply for benefits. And if your claim’s unsuccessful, then you owe your lawyer $0 in legal fees.

What Are Your Options for Georgia Disability Benefits?

Georgia residents who meet the Social Security definition of disability have options for help at both federal and state levels. To get paid the most benefits, you should start with the two federal programs that the Social Security Administration (SSA) manages.

These federal disability assistance programs include Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). The first looks mostly at prior work history, the second at financial need.

Currently about 29%, or around one in four adults in Georgia have a long-term disability. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), most are in the mobility or cognition-related disability category. Following that are people who struggle with independent living, hearing, vision, and self-care. Basically 2,256,555 people in Georgia have a disability. But only a small percentage of those GA residents are receiving benefits from either the SSDI or SSI program.

How do you increase your chances? Well, retaining a Georgia disability attorney is one way, but we’ll get to that. The best place to start, however, is with learning how to qualify and what to expect during the application process.

Learn about other disability benefits for eligible veterans through the VA or workers’ compensation for people injured on the job.

What is Social Security Disability Insurance?

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is for adults aged 18-66 with medical conditions that prevent them from working. SSDI pays Georgia disability benefits to disabled individuals with a qualifying previous work history. Successful Social Security disability applicants can show they worked for about one-fourth of their adult lives. This work history must cover at least five of the last 10 years before your disability began and you stopped working. Since Social Security taxes fund the SSDI program, you must also show you paid into the system during employment.

How to Qualify for SSDI Benefits

Basically, to receive SSDI in Georgia, you must:

  1. Have a long-lasting medical condition that renders you incapable of working for at least a year. If your medical condition will resolve or get better in less than 12 months, you will not qualify for Social Security disability benefits.
  2. Have at least 40 Social Security work credits earned through 10 years of jobs where you paid FICA payroll taxes. If you haven’t worked in 5 years or longer, then you are not eligible for monthly SSDI payments. Pro Tip: If you’re younger than 31 when you apply, you may have enough credits even if it’s fewer than 40. Learn more about earning Social Security work credits here.
  3. Not already receiving any other Social Security benefits, such as early or regular retirement. This is because federal law prevents the SSA from making more than one payment on the same Social Security record.
  4. Show you are not currently engaging in what the SSA calls “substantial gainful activity.” The SSA considers anyone still working and earning more than $1,620 in 2025 not disabled and engaging in SGA. That amount increases to $2,700 if you’re blind.

Important: The SSDI program only looks at the applicant’s individual income when determining eligibility for Georgia disability benefits. Your spouse, roommate, or partner’s income will not count towards your monthly limit during the SSDI application process.

How Much Can Eligible Georgia Disability Applicants Get in SSDI Benefits Each Month?

The maximum monthly payment in SSDI benefits you can get during 2025 is $4,018. The average monthly benefit for SSDI pays around $1,580, but that’s for people who currently receive benefits. Payments to disabled workers are generally higher than that, especially for new SSDI benefit awards.

Ultimately, your monthly payment amount reflects 40% of your average job paycheck during your highest-earning working years.

What Other Benefits Come With an Approved SSDI Disability Claim?

If you’re approved for SSDI, here are some other perks to be aware of:

  • SSDI also pays benefits to eligible family members who are your dependents. Dependent SSDI payments can equal no more than 50% of your own amount each month. Family members who may qualify include a current or former spouse, children younger than 16 at home and in some cases, dependent parents.
  • You’re guaranteed access to Medicare healthcare coverage 24 months after your first SSDI payment arrives. This provides discounted health insurance to you, potentially before the normal Medicare registration age of 65.
24 Months After SSDI Payments Begin, You'll Get Medicare Coverage

Don’t have enough work credits to qualify for SSDI benefits? SSI is another option that may be available to you, so keep reading…

What is Supplemental Security Income?

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is the other federally funded Georgia disability program. It provides monthly cash benefits to very low-income/low-resource adults and children. Currently there are 249,158 Georgia residents receiving SSI benefits, most of whom are blind or disabled. There is no work history necessary, but the financial rules to qualify are strict.

Total countable income calculated through a rather complicated formula determines SSI eligibility. Applicants cannot make more than the federal benefit rate (FBR) monthly. Also keep in mind, “countable” includes income from employment but also monies received for alimony, workers’ comp, and veterans’ benefits.

How to Qualify for SSI Payments

To qualify for SSI benefits, you must meet these minimum requirements:

  1. Be blind, age 65 or older, or have a disability that lasts for a year or more that prevents you from working. Children and working age SSI applicants should submit medical evidence supporting their applications for benefits.
  2. Show countable monthly income less than the current FBR.
  3. Hold less than $2,000 per individual, or $3,000 per couple in assets.

How Much Money Can You Get in SSI Benefits?

If you qualify for SSI, the most your check will be per month is the maximum FBR for this year. In 2025, that means individuals can get no more than $967 in monthly payments. For eligible couples, expect a max of $1,450 in SSI benefits per month.

In Georgia, you can apply for both SSDI and SSI simultaneously with one application. While it’s technically possible to qualify for combined disability benefits, it’s normal to receive one or the other.

What Else Does SSI Approval Include?

Georgians receiving SSI benefits can also access other financial assistance programs, like:

  • Medicaid coverage. This plan assures you access to discounted healthcare the same month your SSI payments begin.
  • Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits for anyone aged 60 and older living on a fixed income. Formerly called food stamps, SNAP provides money every month to purchase groceries and other approved household items.

What Other Georgia Disability Programs are Available?

In addition to the two main federally funded Georgia disability options, there are several state-funded assistance programs. Known as a State Supplemental Payment (SSP), qualifying individuals can get help with food, emergency cash, and more.

In Georgia, these SSP opportunities require a separate application from any disability paperwork filed with the SSA. All applications for these additional programs must go through the Georgia Gateway, which is the statewide Social Services branch.

How Long Does It Take to Get Georgia Disability Payments?

Federal law requires a five-month waiting period after a person becomes disabled before the SSA will issue disability payments. This is true no matter what state you live in or which federal benefit program you apply for. But don’t wait to submit paperwork because disability cases take a long time to resolve.

In fact, in Georgia, you’ll wait more than five months just for the SSA to review your application.

Currently the average case-processing time nationwide is closer to 215 days (based on FY2023 figures, the most recent available.) That’s almost a year.

If you are denied disability benefits the first time, you may wait another 12 months for a hearing. There are six Offices of Disability Adjudication and Review (ODAR) in Georgia. However, there are many cases already scheduled out on the docket, thus the long wait times and delays. 

The Compassionate Allowances program (CAL) is for extremely dire cases, or rare diseases and conditions. It’s reserved for cases where it’s indisputable the person meets the definition of disability and time is of the essence. This applies to situations like severe brain injury or a terminal diagnosis.  

Otherwise, prepare to wait to see any funds. Even you succeed, it may be more than a year before you see a check.

One other expediting tip, however, would be to get a Social Security attorney to help. Studies show that people who retain counsel on disability claims are three-times more likely to have a positive outcome. You don’t want to have your case thrown out or delayed owing to incomplete paperwork or technicalities. A lawyer can keep things moving in the right direction.

What Are the Best Ways to Apply for Georgia Disability Benefits?

You should always file your application first with the SSA. The SSA will then forward potentially qualifying applications to Georgia’s Disability Determination Services (DDS) office for further processing and reviews.

To get your application started, you have three choices. You may:

  • Apply online through the portal at
    Important: You can only choose this option if you apply for SSDI; you cannot apply online for SSI benefits at this time.
  • Call the SSA’s toll-free service line to file over the phone. To apply, call 800-772-1213 (TTY 800-325-0778) anytime during regular business hours Monday through Friday.
  • Visit a local Social Security office. However, this requires an appointment and may be more difficult owing to limited on-site staff and COVID-19 restrictions.

Or, as previously mentioned, you may wish to get a Georgia disability attorney to file for you, free of charge. All disability attorneys in our network work on contingency. So, until you secure benefits, you pay nothing. And if you do win, you only pay one small fee deducted from your backpay.

Basically, you have nothing to lose, and only time and money to gain.

Want a free consultation to learn whether you’re eligible before you start the application process? Click the button below to start your free online benefits quiz and see if you may qualify:

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Kimberly Dawn Neumann is a multi-published NYC-based magazine and book writer whose work has appeared in a wide variety of publications ranging from Forbes to Cosmopolitan. She graduated summa cum laude from the University of Maryland, College of Journalism. For more, visit: or Instagram @dancerscribe.