Injuries Covered by Workers’ Compensation
The most common type of injuries covered by workers’ compensation are “soft tissue” injuries. This means that the injury affects muscles, ligaments, tendons, or nerves.
Injuries Covered by Workers’ Compensation: What Usually Qualifies for Benefits?
Below is an example list of injuries covered by workers’ compensation in most states:
- Neck sprains or strains
- Torn rotator cuff and shoulder injuries
- Knee injuries including torn cartilage or ligaments
- Cervical, eye, or bursitis pain (tendon damage)
- Carpal tunnel syndrome (ligament damage) and wrist and elbow injuries
- Sciatica and other damaged nerve injuries
- Low back pain or herniated lumbar disc
- Concussions or post-concussion syndrome
- Repetitive motion injuries
Workers’ compensation claims also focus on common injuries in other areas of the body:
- Fractured or broken bones and joints, including a broken arm, broken leg, and fractured hip
- Hearing or vision loss
- Ulcers and stress-related illnesses such as high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease
- Psychological injuries including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and anxiety
Injuries covered by workers’ compensation are always physical. Often, treatments for psychological trauma are covered if a doctor says they result from physical injury. However, this policy varies from state to state. Many states won’t cover an injury that is only psychological and not physical in nature. Nonetheless, states will consider a claim of psychological injury based on these federal regulations for a psychological claim:
- Establish that an event, situation, or allegation occurred to precipitate the psychological condition
- That this event occurred while performing official duties or an activity appropriately related to the employment
- There has been a medical diagnosis of the psychological condition
- That the medical diagnosis establishes a connection between the event, situation, or allegation to the psychological condition
- Finally, the claim must be filed within the same regulations governing physical injury claims
Find Out Within Minutes If You Sustained Injuries Covered By Workers’ Compensation
If you believe you have sustained injuries covered by workers’ compensation insurance, talk to a qualified workers’ comp attorney. We can match you with someone local and qualified today if you click the button at the bottom of this article!
Defining Permanent Disabilities and Long-Term Injuries Covered By Workers’ Compensation
Permanent disability refers to the continued debilitating nature of your injury once your doctor has determined you have fully recovered. You may be eligible for permanent disability benefits if you have not made a complete recovery from your injury once it has stabilized.
Permanent disability does not describe a single degree of disability, but varying degrees of disability. For example, if you have permanently disabled your arms, your doctor will determine the percentage of permanent disability based upon the American Medical Association (AMA)’s standards. If a workers’ compensation doctor determines your arm’s 50% disabled, then you’ll receive compensation based on this evaluation. To receive full benefits, your evaluation must determine it’s 100% disabled.
The insurance company covering your workers’ compensation benefits will cover reasonable medical care related to the treatment of your permanent disability. If you have sustained an injury that you believe has permanently disabled you, then it is important to establish this condition with a medical professional using the AMA standard. This standard holds the most weight with insurance companies, workers’ compensation review boards, and state as well as federal courts.
You May Qualify for Legal Assistance
Ready to see if you may qualify for workers’ comp benefits under your state’s current laws? Click the button below to get your free online benefits evaluation now!