SSD Benefits Statistics Report – New for August 2024

Disability Benefits

The Social Security Administration (SSA) has released its August 2024 SSD benefits statistics report, so let’s review. These monthly updates show how many people currently get Social Security disability benefits, along with their average pay amounts. While we focus on Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) claims, it’s not the only data we review for August 2024. In addition, we analyze the newest numbers from the federal Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program.

Keep reading to get a clearer picture of benefits from both federal programs, who receives these payments, and how much.  

August 2024 SSD Benefits Statistics Report

Total Number of Social Security Disability Beneficiaries: 8,366,000

Disabled Workers: 7,277,000

Spouses of Disabled Workers: 87,000

Children of Disabled Workers: 1,003,000

Average Monthly Social Security Disability Benefit Amount: $1,402.69

Disabled Workers: $1,539.92

Spouses of Disabled Workers: $421.58

Children of Disabled Workers: $492.03

How the August 2024 SSD Benefits Statistics Report Affects Beneficiaries

The August 2024 report lists all disabled workers getting Social Security disability benefits, along with their eligible dependents. This can include spouses, children, and in rare cases, the disabled worker’s dependent parents.

As we noted last month, the numbers in this category are rising again after several years mostly in decline. Disabled workers saw the biggest bump in people getting SSDI payments, increasing 35,000 since last month. Husbands and wives getting dependent SSD benefits also added another 1,000 people in August. Children of disabled workers stayed flat compared to the July 2024 report, as shown below:

August 2024 total SSD beneficiaries

How likely are you to become too disabled to work before full retirement age at 67? Here are the May 2024 statistics from the Office of the Chief Actuary for the SSA:

  • 5% for people aged 45-49 (1 in 20)
  • 8% for those aged 50-54 (nearly 1 in 13)
  • 13% for anyone aged 55-60 (1 in 8)
  • 15.5% for workers aged 60-65 (1 in 6.5)
  • 8.5% for people aged 66-67 (nearly 1 in 12)

However, the August 2024 report shows awards going to about 4.5 in every 1,000 insured workers who apply for SSDI. Less than 4% of SSD benefit awards in the past year went to disability applicants younger than 45 years old. Once on Social Security disability benefits, about 1% (10 in every 1,000) ever become well enough to start working again.

Related: Interested in learning more about disability benefits for veterans? See our updated monthly veterans disability benefits report.

August 2024: Looking Deeper at the Monetary Stats

The August 2024 SSD benefits statistics report also shows average benefit amounts for disabled workers and their dependents. Surprisingly, every group since July received a slight average pay increase. Average SSD benefit payments to husbands and wives rose $.24 for August. Children saw a pay rise of $.62, on average, while payments to disabled workers increased by $.97. Overall, the average SSD benefit payment nationwide added another $1.39 this month compared to July:

August 2024 monthly SSD average payments

Wondering how much you’ll get in monthly benefits? Here are some quick stats for you:

  • Men aged 66 have the highest average SSD payment at $1,947.05 per month (women get $1,490.77 at 66 years old)
  • $995.54 is the average benefit for anyone younger than 28 (62,388 people total across the U.S.)

Keep your eyes peeled for next month’s report, which comes out about the same time as a possible COLA increase.

August 2024 Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Numbers

Next, let’s look at the latest Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program numbers in our August 2024 report. We’ve listed all groups broken down by age that receive SSI disability and average pay amounts below. It appears the only group that gained new people on SSI compared to last month are aged 65 and older:

Total people on SSI: 7,400,000 (-10,000)

Children younger than 18: 985,000 (-7,000)

People aged 18-64: 3,971,000 (-8,000)

SSI recipients aged 65+: 2,444,000 (+5,000)

August 2024 average SSI monthly pay amounts for all groups are as follows:

  • $698.51 (includes every age group)
  • $820.70 for children younger than 18
  • $744.41 for people 18-64 years old
  • $575.07 for anyone aged 65 and older (i.e., awards based on age, not disability status or vision loss)

Pro Tip: Learn what happens to SSI payments for children once they turn 18 years old.

How to Get Free Expert Help Qualifying for Disability

A Social Security attorney makes you nearly 3x more likely to start drawing disability in the shortest possible time. Why not sign up for a free phone call with one today to discuss your claim? A lawyer can tell you whether you may qualify for benefits and how much your payments will be in advance. That way, you waste no time filling out paperwork and waiting months with no income just to get a denial.

Every lawyer that we can connect you with calls during normal weekday business hours to provide free claim evaluations. You’ll pay $0 in legal fees if an attorney cannot get you monthly disability benefits. But if your claim is successful, then you only owe one small fee after your approval letter arrives.  

Click the button below for a fast, easy online quiz to see if you may qualify for a free consultation:

Get Your Free Benefits Evaluation

July 2024 SSD Benefits Statistics Report Analysis

We have the July 2024 SSD benefits statistics report numbers just released by the Social Security Administration (SSA). Every month, the SSA reports how many people currently get Social Security disability benefits, along with average payments. These reports highlight key demographic trends and other important info that can affect disability claim processing times nationwide. Keep reading for the newest Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program numbers for July 2024.

July 2024 SSD Benefits Statistics Report

Total Number of Social Security Disability Beneficiaries: 8,330,000

Disabled Workers: 7,242,000

Spouses of Disabled Workers: 86,000

Children of Disabled Workers: 1,003,000

Average Monthly Social Security Disability Benefit Amount: $1,401.30

Disabled Workers: $1,538.95

Spouses of Disabled Workers: $421.34

Children of Disabled Workers: $491.41

How the July 2024 SSD Benefits Statistics Report Affects Beneficiaries

The July 2024 SSD benefits statistics report lists all Social Security disability beneficiaries by category. The first group includes disabled workers who qualify for benefits based on their own work history. Then, there are monthly SSD payments to dependent spouses married to disabled workers themselves. Finally, children of disabled workers still living at home and attending school or college may also qualify for family benefits. The SSA adds all three groups together to determine the total number of SSD beneficiaries in any given month.

For the second time during the past year, total people getting Social Security disability payments went up in July 2024. Most gains come from disabled workers themselves, which added 35,000 new people to this month’s active payment rolls. There are now 2,000 more husbands and wives getting SSD payments as dependents compared to June’s report. However, there are also 17,000 fewer children getting SSD benefits for July. Total people getting SSD payments rose by 18,000 on average during this 30-day period:

July 2024 SSD benefits statistics report: total ssd beneficiaries

These reports also show who the Social Security Administration awarded SSD benefits for the very first time this past month. In July 2024, the SSA approved the most SSD claims in a single month since May of 2020:

  • 57,082 disabled workers (30,211 men and 26,871 women)
  • 2,290 spouses (250 husbands and 1,971 wives)
  • 17,872 children of disabled workers

Related: Interested in learning more about disability benefits for veterans? See our updated monthly veterans disability benefits report.

July 2024: Looking Deeper at the Monetary Stats

The July 2024 SSD benefits statistics report also shows average benefit amounts paid every month by age group. Children of disabled workers saw an average $1.78 reduction in SSD payments for July. However, every other SSD beneficiary saw slightly higher average benefit amounts compared to June’s report. Average SSD checks to husbands and wives increased $.60, while disabled workers saw a $1.15 monthly pay bump. Nationwide, the monthly SSD payment averaged across all age groups rose $3.22 since June:

July 2024 SSD benefits statistics report: monthly monetary average

People awarded SSD benefits in July can expect to see the following monthly payments starting in August 2024, on average:

  • $1,702.45 to disabled workers ($1,867.96 for men, and $1,516.37 for women)
  • $429.06 to eligible spouses ($375.44 for husbands, and $435.86 for wives)
  • $453.91 to children of disabled workers

July 2024 Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Numbers

The July 2024 SSD benefits statistics report also includes the most recent Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program numbers. Below, you can see which adults and children get Supplemental Security Income payments today, and their average dollar amounts. This month shows growth in two beneficiary groups, while the other two shrank smaller compared to May’s report:

Total SSI beneficiaries: 7,410,000 (+13,000)

Children younger than 18: 992,000 (+1,000)

People aged 18-64: 3,979,000 (+2,000)

SSI recipients aged 65+: 2,438,000 (+9,000)

July 2024 average SSI monthly pay amounts for all groups are as follows:

  • $695.84 (everyone combined and averaged)
  • $805.39 for minor children
  • $742.70 for people 18-64 years old
  • $574.90 for anyone aged 65 and older (i.e., awards based on age, not disability status or vision loss)

June 2024 SSD Benefits Statistics Report Analysis

Our June 2024 SSD benefits statistics report review covers the latest disability update from the Social Security Administration (SSA). These monthly reports can show you how many people currently get Social Security disability benefits and their average pay amounts. Since we review these numbers every 30 days, we call out notable trends or changes that may impact people’s claims. Keep reading for the newest Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program numbers for June 2024.

June 2024 SSD Benefits Statistics Report

Total Number of Social Security Disability Beneficiaries: 8,312,000

Disabled Workers: 7,207,000

Spouses of Disabled Workers: 84,000

Children of Disabled Workers: 1,021,000

Average Monthly Social Security Disability Benefit Amount: $1,398.08

Disabled Workers: $1,537.70

Spouses of Disabled Workers: $420.74

Children of Disabled Workers: $493.19

How the June 2024 Report Affects Beneficiaries

The June 2024 SSD benefits statistics report groups Social Security disability beneficiaries into different groups. The first category includes disabled workers themselves filing for benefits against their own work records. Then, there are spouses of those workers who qualify for SSD payments as dependents. Last are children younger than 16 who receive SSD benefits as a dependent minor. Bear in mind children cannot qualify for Social Security disability benefits on their own, as they have no work record.

The children’s group shrank most during the past 30 days, losing 28,000 total beneficiaries since May. Up next are disabled workers; this group shows 22,000 individuals struck from the SSA’s active payment rolls for June. Last but not least are husbands and wives of disabled workers, which lost 1,000 beneficiaries compared to May’s report. Add them all up, and you’ll see 52,000 fewer people total getting SSD benefits in June 2024 vs. May:

June 2024 Total SSD Beneficiaries

How the June 2024 Report Affects Beneficiaries

The June 2024 SSD benefits statistics report also shows average benefit amounts paid to each type of person who qualifies. The only SSD group that saw lower average payments compared to April are husbands and wives of disabled workers. That category saw $.18 less in monthly benefits for May, on average. Disabled workers saw a modest pay bump of $.07 during the last 30 days. Their children received a $.28 raise, while the average SSD payment nationwide increased $.18 since April:

June 2024 Monetary Average

People awarded SSD benefits for the first time in May can expect to see the following monthly payments, on average:

  • $1,715.10 to disabled workers ($1,879.51 for men, and $1,524.88 for women)
  • $450.99 to eligible spouses ($343.49 for husbands, and $464.64 for wives)
  • $461.94 to children of disabled workers

This indicates that a disabled worker, dependent spouse and one child at home would receive $2,628.03 in monthly SSD benefits.

June 2024 Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Numbers

The June 2024 SSD benefits statistics report also includes the most recent Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program numbers. Below, you can see which adults and children get Supplemental Security Income payments today, and their average dollar amounts. This month shows growth in two beneficiary groups, while the other two shrank smaller compared to May’s report:

Total SSI beneficiaries: 7,397,000 (-30,000)

Children younger than 18: 991,000 (+8,000)

People aged 18-64: 3,977,000 (-12,000)

SSI recipients aged 65+: 2,429,000 (+7,000)

June 2024 average SSI monthly benefit amounts for all groups are as follows:

  • $697.82 (everyone combined and averaged)
  • $815.96 for children younger than 18
  • $743.51 for those who are 18-64 years old
  • $574.91 for anyone aged 65 and older (i.e., awards based on age, not disability status or vision loss)

May 2024 SSD Benefits Statistics Report Analysis

Take a closer look at the May 2024 SSD benefits statistics report from the Social Security Administration (SSA). Each month, this statistical snapshot reveals how many people get Social Security disability benefits and how much their payments are. You can use these reports to compare your own monthly pay amounts and track other notable SSD trends. Below, we break down the newest Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program numbers for May.

May 2024 SSD Benefits Statistics Report Numbers

Total Number of Social Security Disability Beneficiaries: 8,364,000

Disabled Workers: 7,229,000

Spouses of Disabled Workers: 85,000

Children of Disabled Workers: 1,049,000

Average Monthly Social Security Disability Benefit Amount: $1,395.35

Disabled Workers: $1,537.64

Spouses of Disabled Workers: $418.66

Children of Disabled Workers: $494.75

How the May 2024 SSD Benefits Statistics Report Affects Beneficiaries

The May 2024 report shows Social Security disability beneficiaries in every age, grouped by category. For the first time this year, people paid spousal benefits through a disabled worker fell by 1,000 in May. Children lost 5,000 beneficiaries compared to what we saw in the April 2024 report. That said, disabled workers make up the biggest chunk of people struck from active payment rolls in May. Altogether, that means 27,000 fewer people today get SSD payments compared to the April 2024 report.

And when you compare the May 2024 numbers vs. one year ago, that’s 356,000 fewer people total getting SSD benefits:

may 2024: total beneficiaries

While these numbers grow smaller over time, the Social Security Administration also awards new people SSD benefits every month. Here are the newest batch of people just approved for Social Security disability payments starting in June 2024:

  • 47,579 disabled workers (25,233 men and 22,346 women)
  • 2,259 spouses (240 husbands and 2,019 wives)
  • 17,137 children of disabled workers

May 2024: Looking Deeper at the Monetary Stats

The May 2024 SSD benefits statistics report also shows average benefit amounts paid to each type of person who qualifies. The only SSD group that saw lower average payments compared to April are husbands and wives of disabled workers. That category saw $.18 less in monthly benefits for May, on average. Disabled workers saw a modest pay bump of $.07 during the last 30 days. Their children received a $.28 raise, while the average SSD payment nationwide increased $.18 since April:

may 2024: monthly monetary average

People awarded SSD benefits for the first time in May can expect to see the following monthly payments, on average:

  • $1,707.57 to disabled workers ($1,869.61 for men, and $1,524.59 for women)
  • $437.38 to eligible spouses ($378.96 for husbands, and $444.32 for wives)
  • $465.75 to children of disabled workers

May 2024 Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Numbers

The May 2024 also includes updated numbers from the Supplemental Security Income program. You can see who gets SSI benefits today and their average pay amounts listed below. April is the first month in 2024 where every single age group getting SSI payments increased:

Total SSI beneficiaries: 7,427,000 (-32,000)

Children younger than 18: 983,000 (-11,000)

People aged 18-64: 3,989,000 (-24,000)

SSI recipients aged 65+: 2,422,000 (+2,000)

May 2024 average Supplemental Security Income payments for all groups are as follows:

  • $698.16 (everyone combined and averaged)
  • $815.71 for children younger than 18
  • $743.46 for those who are 18-64 years old
  • $574.98 for anyone 65 and older (i.e., awards based on age, not disability status or vision loss)

April 2024 SSD Benefits Statistics Report Analysis

We’re reviewing the April 2024 SSD benefits statistics report numbers out from the Social Security Administration (SSA). Every 30 days, we analyze this report to explain how disability payments and total beneficiaries changed during the last month. Cannot work for at least a year, specifically for health reasons? Then you too may qualify for monthly payments from one of two federal benefit programs under the Social Security Administration. Get the current Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program data for April 2024 below.

April 2024 SSD Benefits Statistics Report Numbers

Total Number of Social Security Disability Beneficiaries: 8,391,000

Disabled Workers: 7,252,000

Spouses of Disabled Workers: 86,000

Children of Disabled Workers: 1,054,000

Average Monthly Social Security Disability Benefit Amount: $1,395.17

Disabled Workers: $1,537.57

Spouses of Disabled Workers: $418.84

Children of Disabled Workers: $494.47

How the April 2024 SSD Benefits Statistics Report Affects Beneficiaries

The April 2024 report shows how many people get Social Security disability payments each month. Much like last month, we noted 1,000 fewer children on this month’s active SSD payment rolls. For the second month in a row, there was no change in how many husbands and wives received SSD benefits. A little more than 25,000 disabled workers stopped getting benefits in April compared to the March report, however:

april 2024: total ssd beneficiaries

The Social Security Administration also awarded the following new people SSD payments in April 2024:

  • 51,020 disabled workers (27,162 men and 23,858 women)
  • 2,383 spouses (252 husbands and 2,131 wives)
  • 19,316 children of disabled workers

So, if the Social Security Administration just awarded 72,719 people SSD payments, why did total beneficiaries fall so much? That means ~100,000 people got better, switched to regular retirement benefits, or passed away since the March report.

April 2024: Looking Deeper at the Monetary Stats

The April 2024 SSD benefits statistics report also shows average amounts paid to disabled workers and their families. We saw surprisingly few changes in average benefits paid out compared to last month’s report. Average payments to children of disabled workers lost a nickel for April. Only two pennies separated the average SSD benefit paid to disabled workers since March. Disabled workers themselves, however, saw a $.24 monthly increase, on average. And husbands and wives were the biggest winners for April, netting another $.39 in monthly benefits:

april 2024: monthly monetary average

April’s newly approved SSD applicants can expect to see the following amounts in their bank accounts for May, on average:

  • $1,721.51 to disabled workers ($1,880.76 for men, and $1,540.20 for women)
  • $431.25 to eligible spouses ($365.98 for husbands, and $438.97 for wives)
  • $474.31 to children of disabled workers

April 2024 Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Numbers

The April 2024 report also includes the latest Supplemental Security Income program updates. You can see who is paid SSI benefits today versus last month and their average payments listed below. Unlike last month, the only group getting SSI payments that grew larger in May is people aged 65 and older:

Total SSI beneficiaries: 7,427,000 (+23,000)

Children younger than 18: 994,000 (+11,000)

People aged 18-64: 4,013,000 (+5,000)

SSI recipients aged 65+: 2,420,000 (+7,000)

The following are average monthly Supplemental Security Income payments for April 2024:

  • $697.47 (nationwide average)
  • $813.29 for children
  • $743.58 for people 18 to 64 years old
  • $574.88 for people who get SSI based on age alone (at least 65 years old)

March 2024 SSD Benefits Statistics Report Analysis

The March 2024 SSD benefits statistics report from the Social Security Administration (SSA) is here, along with our analysis. This monthly update tracks how disability payments and total beneficiaries changed during the past 30 days. If you’re disabled before you turn 67, you may qualify for monthly payments from one of two federal benefit programs. Below, we’ll explore the latest Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program numbers for March 2024.

March 2024 SSD Benefits Statistics Report Numbers

Total Number of Social Security Disability Beneficiaries: 8,418,000

Disabled Workers: 7,277,000

Spouses of Disabled Workers: 86,000

Children of Disabled Workers: 1,055,000

Average Monthly Social Security Disability Benefit Amount: $1,395.15

Disabled Workers: $1,537.33

Spouses of Disabled Workers: $418.89

Children of Disabled Workers: $494.08

How the March 2024 SSD Benefits Statistics Report Affects Beneficiaries

First up are the total number of people getting Social Security disability. Those fell by 27,000 compared to last month’s report, and disabled workers make up most of those losses (-26,000). Spousal payments going to husbands and wives stayed flat during this period. However, children lost another 1,000 people from the SSA’s active payment rolls for this month:

March 2024: Total SSD Beneficiaries

The Social Security Administration also awarded the following new people Social Security Disability Insurance benefits in March 2024:

  • 53,933 disabled workers (28,770 men and 25,163 women)
  • 2,551 spouses (297 husbands and 2,254 wives)
  • 21,025 children of disabled workers

In total, 77,509 new people received SSD approval letters this month from the Social Security Administration.

March 2024: Looking Deeper at the Monetary Stats

The March 2024 report also shows average monthly pay amounts to disabled workers, their spouses, and children. Since February 2024, every group got a slight pay increase except for husbands and wives of disabled workers.

Children saw the biggest average bump in pay across the nation, rising $.70 for March. Disabled workers themselves saw the next highest increase, adding another $.38 to this month’s checks. Spouses saw their average benefits drop by exactly one penny compared to February. Overall, that means the average SSD payment across the nation rose $.06 for March:

March 2024: Monthly Monetary Average for SSD Benefits

Newly successful SSD claims for the month of March can expect the following average benefit payments starting in April 2024:

  • $1,714.08 to disabled workers ($1,873.04 for men, and $1,532.34 for women)
  • $424.93 to eligible spouses ($307.20 for husbands, and $440.44 for wives)
  • $487.33 to children of disabled workers

March 2024 Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Numbers

The March 2024 report also includes Supplemental Security Income program data from the past month. You can see how many people draw SSI benefits today versus February 2024 and their average pay amounts below. Much like last month, the only group that added new beneficiaries for March are people at least 65 years old:

Total individuals on SSI: 7,404,000 (-14,000)

Children younger than 18: 983,000 (-7,000)

People aged 18-64: 4,008,000 (-11,000)

SSI recipients aged 65+: 2,413,000 (+4,000)

And here are March 2024 Supplemental Security Income average pay amounts broken down according to each age group:

  • $699.22 (across all groups, on average)
  • $821.38 for children younger than 18
  • $744.21 for people aged 18 to 64
  • $574.89 for people aged 65+ (i.e., awards based on age, not disability status or because they are blind)

February 2024 SSD Benefits Statistics Report Analysis

February 2024 SSD benefits statistics are now out from the Social Security Administration (SSA). This monthly update tracks how disability pay amounts and how many people got benefits changed during the last 30 days. If you can’t work for health reasons, one of two federal disability assistance programs can potentially help provide some income. Below, we’ll analyze the latest Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program numbers for you.

February 2024 SSD Benefits Statistics Report Numbers

Total Number of Social Security Disability Beneficiaries: 8,445,000

Disabled Workers: 7,303,000

Spouses of Disabled Workers: 86,000

Children of Disabled Workers: 1,056,000

Average Monthly Social Security Disability Benefit Amount: $1,395.09

Disabled Workers: $1,536.95

Spouses of Disabled Workers: $418.90

Children of Disabled Workers: $493.38

How the February 2024 Report Affects Beneficiaries

First, we notice a loss of 29,000 total people whose Social Security benefits stopped this month. Of the nearly 30,000 fewer people getting payments versus January, most are disabled workers (down 27,000). Husbands and wives getting SSD through a spouse also lost another 1,000 people from active payment rolls. The final loss of 1,000 people on benefits since January comes from children of disabled workers:

February 2024 Total SSD Beneficiaries

The Social Security Administration also awarded the following people SSD benefits for the first time in February 2024:

  • 46,813 disabled workers (25,098 men and 21,715 women)
  • 2,230 spouses (239 husbands and 1,991 wives)
  • 17,605 children of disabled workers

February 2024: Looking Deeper at the Monetary Stats

The newest report also shows average payments to disabled workers and those workers’ eligible dependents. During the past 30 days, average Social Security disability payments to disabled workers fell $.08. However, both spouses ($.25) and children ($.60) saw benefit pay increases compared to January. Nationwide, the current SSD payment across all groups, on average, went down $.24 for the month of February:

Monthly Monetary Average for SSD Benefits, February 2024

Wondering why these pay amounts change every month? Each benefits check is based on how much money someone earned during their working years. When average amounts go up, that means people newly awarded benefits had higher job earnings before they stopped working. And when average pay amounts go down, it means people who earned less (or have more dependents) joined that group.

Newly approved Social Security disability claims can expect the following average pay amounts starting in March 2024:

  • $1,719.18 to disabled workers ($1,875.61 for men, and $1,538.37 for women)
  • $432.28 to eligible spouses ($342.82 for husbands, and $443.02 for wives)
  • $496.07 to children of disabled workers

February 2024 Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Numbers

The February 2024 report also tracks this month’s Supplemental Security Income program updates. See how many people draw SSI benefits today versus last month and their average pay amounts in our list below. Since January, every age group on Supplemental Security Income shrank except for individuals aged 65 and older:

Total people now on SSI: 7,418,000 (-17,000)

Children younger than 18: 990,000 (-2,000)

People aged 18-64: 4,019,000 (-15,000)

SSI recipients aged 65+: 2,409,000 (no change since January)

The following are average Supplemental Security Income payments for each age group in February 2024:

  • $696.80 (all program participants)
  • $808.02 for children
  • $742.67 for people 18-64 years old
  • $574.62 for people who are at least 65 (i.e., awards based on age, not disability status)

January 2024 SSD Benefits Statistics Report Analysis

The Social Security Administration (SSA) just released its January 2024 SSD benefits statistics report. This monthly report tracks how Social Security disability pay amounts and number of recipients changed during the last 30 days. If you’re unable to work, one of the two federal disability assistance programs can potentially help you make ends meet. Our analysis below includes the latest numbers from both Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) programs.

January 2024 SSD Benefits Statistics Report Numbers

Total Number of Social Security Disability Beneficiaries: 8,474,000

Disabled Workers: 7,330,000

Spouses of Disabled Workers: 87,000

Children of Disabled Workers: 1,057,000

Average Monthly Social Security Disability Benefit Amount: $1,395.33

Disabled Workers: $1,537.03

Spouses of Disabled Workers: $419.15

Children of Disabled Workers: $492.78

How the January 2024 SSD Benefits Statistics Report Affects Beneficiaries

The January 2024 SSD benefits statistics report shows 40,000 fewer people getting Social Security disability compared to last month. As you might expect, most losses come from the disabled workers category (down 36,000). Spouses lost 1,000 people on the active payment rolls since December’s report came out. Last but not least, 3,000 fewer disabled workers’ children get Social Security disability today vs. the end of last year:

January 2024: Total SSD Beneficiaries

Looking back, here is what we noted about Social Security disability claims for 2023:

  • 29.5% of people who applied got SSD benefits in 2023 (the lowest approval rate recorded since 1965)
  • Attorneys filed 4 in 5 successful SSD claims last year
  • 1.9 million people applied for Social Security disability last year
  • 561,585 people got SSD payments for the first time in 2023

January 2024: Looking Deeper at the Monetary Stats

The January 2024 SSD benefits statistics report also shows average pay amounts to disabled workers, their spouses, and their children. Very little has changed since December – every group’s average SSD payment stayed within a dollar of last month’s amount. Disabled workers got 10 cents less in January, on average, while payments to spouses fell $.92 compared to last month. Average payments to children are the lone increase for January, going up $.79 during the last 30 days:

Newly approved claims can expect about $1,718 per month in Social Security disability benefits.

January 2024 Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Numbers

Supplemental Security Income program updates also appear in this month’s report. We track how many people get SSI benefits each month and their average pay amounts as the year progresses. Since the end of 2023, only children and those aged 65 and older gained new SSI recipients:

January 2024: Monthly Monetary Average for SSD

Total people who receive SSI: 7,435,000 (+10,000)

Children younger than 18: 992,000 (+9,000)

People aged 18-64: 4,034,000 (-5,000)

SSI recipients aged 65+: 2,409,000 (+6,000)

The latest report also shows these average Supplemental Security Income payments for each age category:

  • $697.89 (across the entire program, on average)
  • $814.45 for children
  • $742.97 for those 18-64 years old
  • $574.46 for those aged 65 and older (i.e., awards based on age alone)

December 2023 SSD Benefits Statistics Report Analysis

The December 2023 SSD benefits statistics report numbers from the Social Security Administration (SSA) are here, so let’s review. We’ll explain current benefit pay amounts and how the number of people getting disability changed during the last 30 days. If you’re disabled and cannot work, you can apply for one of two federal disability assistance programs.

Now, let’s look at the newest updates from both Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) programs.

December 2023 SSD Benefits Statistics Report Numbers

Total Number of Social Security Disability Beneficiaries: 8,514,000

Disabled Workers: 7,366,000

Spouses of Disabled Workers: 88,000

Children of Disabled Workers: 1,060,000

Average Monthly Social Security Disability Benefit Amount: $1,395.49

Disabled Workers: $1,537.13

Spouses of Disabled Workers: $420.07

Children of Disabled Workers: $491.99

How the December 2023 SSD Benefits Statistics Report Affects Beneficiaries

Social Security disability recipients are still in decline, according to December’s report. Today, there are 25,000 fewer people getting these payments compared to what we saw for November. Disabled workers made up 24,000 of these losses, while children and spouses each lost a few hundred from their groups:

December 2023 SSD benefits statistics report: Total SSD Beneficiaries

So, how do these numbers look compared to this time last year? Since December 2022, the total number of people on Social Security disability fell by 327,000.

But remember, the Social Security Administration is constantly awarding new people benefits each month, too. Here’s a quick look at who got SSD benefits in the last month of 2023:

  • 52,214 disabled workers (27,893 men and 24,321 women)
  • 2,364 spouses (242 husbands and 2,122 wives)
  • 20,510 children

December 2023: Looking Deeper at the Monetary Stats

The December 2023 SSD benefits statistics report shows the new 2024 COLA increase going into effect. This 2024 Social Security disability raise bumped payments to disabled workers up $47.87 compared to November. Average SSD payments to husbands and wives rose $12.47 in December. Children also saw a modest pay increase of $15.88 this month. Overall, that brings the average national SSD payment up $43.24 during this 30-day period:

December 2023: Monthly Monetary Average for SSD

If the Social Security Administration approved your claim this month, here are December 2023’s average benefit amounts for each group:

  • $1,717.98 to disabled workers ($1,876.58 to men, $1,536.09 to women)
  • $441.24 to spouses ($348.06 to husbands and $451.87 to wives)
  • $496.07 to children of disabled workers
  • $2,720 to disabled worker families with one or more children at home

What a difference a year makes: Disabled workers get $234.88 more in SSD now than they did in December 2022.

December 2023 Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Numbers

The latest report also tracks who gets Supplemental Security Income payments and how much each month. This month’s report shows a decline across all groups other than those aged 65 and older:

Total people on SSI: 7,425,000 (-6,000)

Children younger than 18: 983,000 (-2,000)

People aged 18-64: 4,039,000 (-10,000)

SSI recipients aged 65+: 2,403,000 (+7,000)

The following are December 2023’s monthly average SSI amounts by age:

  • $674.50 (average across all groups)
  • $793.21 for children
  • $718.41 for those 18-64 years old
  • $552.29 for individuals at least 65 years old (i.e., awards based on age, not disability or being blind)

November 2023 SSD Benefits Statistics Report Analysis

Let’s review the new November 2023 SSD benefits statistics report numbers from the Social Security Administration (SSA). This monthly report details current benefit amounts and how many people got disability payments during the last 30 days. If you rely on federal disability income, these reports give you a baseline to see how everyone else is doing. Below, we’ll review data from both of the SSA’s programs: Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

November 2023 SSD Benefits Statistics Report Numbers

Total Number of Social Security Disability Beneficiaries: 8,539,000

Disabled Workers: 7,390,000

Spouses of Disabled Workers: 88,000

Children of Disabled Workers: 1,060,000

Average Monthly Social Security Disability Benefit Amount: $1,352.25

Disabled Workers: $1,489.26

Spouses of Disabled Workers: $407.60

Children of Disabled Workers: $476.11

How the November 2023 SSD Benefits Statistics Report Affects Beneficiaries

There are 35,000 fewer people getting Social Security disability in this month’s report compared to October. Disabled workers fell by 30,000 during the past 30 days. Since last month’s report came out, we saw 1,000 fewer partners getting spousal SSD payments. Finally, we noted 5,000 fewer children paid benefits in November through a disabled parent:

November 2023 SSD benefits statistics report: Total SSD Beneficiaries

Here are some other interesting things we noted in this month’s report:

  • SSD award rates are now at the lowest level since 1982 (2.9 in every 1,000 workers, or 29% of claims)
  • 79% of people getting SSD are aged 50+; just 1.4% are younger than 31
  • SSD benefits are in no danger of running out for the next 75 years

November 2023: Looking Deeper at the Monetary Stats

Pay amounts in the November 2023 SSD benefits statistics report showed mixed results. Spousal SSD payments went up $.05 between October and November. Average payments to children also rose $.58 this month. Disabled workers, however, saw a $.21 drop in their average monthly pay amounts. Adding together all these different groups, average SSD payments nationwide fell $.07 since October:

November 2023 Monthly Monetary Average for SSD

And here are some pay amount trends we also noted in the current report:

  • $1,718.42 will be the average SSD pay amount for people awarded benefits in the next 30 days
  • People under 30 get less than $1,000 per month in SSD benefits, on average
  • 2.4% of people on SSD benefits get paid more than $3,000 per month; most are men aged 60-66

Keep in mind, however, there’s a 3.2% pay increase set to go into effect at the end of this month.

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Numbers in the November 2023 Report

The November 2023 report also tracks SSI program numbers and average monthly payments. Since September, it appears every beneficiary group grew larger except for working age people on SSI:

Total SSI beneficiaries: 7,431,000 (-33,000)

Children younger than 18: 985,000 (-8,000)

People aged 18-64: 4,049,000 (-27,000)

SSI recipients aged 65+: 2,396,000 (+1,000)

The following are November 2023’s monthly average SSI amounts for each age group:

  • $673.86 (for all groups combined)
  • $785.28 for children
  • $718.33 for those aged 18-64
  • $552.97 for seniors 65 and older (i.e., awards based on age and financial status, not disability or blindness)

October 2023 SSD Benefits Statistics Report Analysis

We have the October 2023 SSD benefits statistics report data from the Social Security Administration (SSA). This monthly update reveals current disability amounts and how many people got those benefit payments during the last 30 days. You can use these reports to see trends impacting people who rely on Social Security for monthly income.

October 2023 SSD Benefits Statistics Report Numbers

Total Number of Social Security Disability Beneficiaries: 8,574,000

Disabled Workers: 7,420,000

Spouses of Disabled Workers: 89,000

Children of Disabled Workers: 1,065,000

Average Monthly Social Security Disability Benefit Amount: $1,352.32

Disabled Workers: $1,489.47

Spouses of Disabled Workers: $407.55

Children of Disabled Workers: $475.53

How the October 2023 SSD Benefits Statistics Report Affects Beneficiaries

The October 2023 report shows 24,000 fewer total people getting those payments compared to last month. Since September’s report, 23,000 disabled workers moved off the SSA’s payment rolls. We noted no change in how many husbands and wives get SSD payments through their spouses for October. Finally, children getting payments from a disabled mom or dad fell by 1,000 month-over-month:

October 2023: Total SSD Beneficiaries

At least 344,000 fewer people are getting SSD benefits now compared to this time last year. And that’s despite the SSA awarding more than 675,000 people SSD just since January. That’s more than a million individual records the SSA had to update during this period.

The October 2023 SSD benefits statistics report also shows new awards to the following people this month:

  • 50,408 disabled workers (27,160 men and 23,248 women)
  • 2,448 spouses (289 husbands and 2,159 wives)
  • 20,368 children of disabled workers

October 2023: Looking Deeper at the Monetary Stats

Nearly every group saw their average payments go up this month. Children of disabled workers saw the biggest bump in pay this month, rising by $2.64 compared to September. Disabled workers’ average benefits rose $2.58 for October. Benefit payments to husbands and wives fell $.17 since September. All these pay rate changes drove the average SSD benefit amount up by $2.52 nationwide this month:

October 2023: Monthly Monetary Average for SSD

People just awarded SSD benefits in October 2023 will get the following monthly pay amounts, on average:

  • $1,665.14 for disabled workers ($1,820.88 for men, and $1,483.19 for women)
  • $420.24 for spouses ($346.32 for husbands, and $430.13 for wives)
  • $472.81 for children

And here’s more good news: SSA’s newly announced 2024 COLA increase gives you another $48 in monthly SSD benefits. Look for your higher SSD payments to begin on the Wednesday in January that corresponds with your birth date.

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Numbers in the October 2023 Report

The October 2023 report also tracks people in the SSI program and their average monthly pay amounts. Since September, it appears every group grew larger except for people aged 18 to 64 on SSI:

Total SSI beneficiaries: 7,464,000 (+14,000)

Children younger than 18: 993,000 (+7,000)

People aged 18-64: 4,076,000 (-2,000)

SSI recipients aged 65+: 2,395,000 (+9,000)

The following are current monthly average SSI payments, broken down by age:

  • $676.60 (for all groups combined)
  • $790.41 for children
  • $720.97 for those aged 18-64
  • $554.10 for seniors 65 and older (i.e., awards based on age, not health status)

September 2023 SSD Benefits Statistics Report Analysis

The Social Security Administration (SSA) just released its September 2023 SSD benefits statistics report. This monthly statistical snapshot shows disability pay amounts and how many people got those benefits during the last 30 days. Want to see how your own SSI or SSDI check compares to everyone else’s? These reports let you do just that. Our analysis includes current data for both federal programs: Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

September 2023 SSD Benefits Statistics Report Numbers

Total Number of Social Security Disability Beneficiaries: 8,598,000

Disabled Workers: 7,443,000

Spouses of Disabled Workers: 89,000

Children of Disabled Workers: 1,066,000

Average Monthly Social Security Disability Benefit Amount: $1,350

Disabled Workers: $1,486.89

Spouses of Disabled Workers: $407.72

Children of Disabled Workers: $472.89

How the September 2023 SSD Benefits Statistics Report Affects Beneficiaries

We noted 28,000 fewer total people getting monthly payments in the current report. Disabled workers made up most of those losses, falling by 25,000 since August. Husbands and wives getting benefits through their partners stayed flat during the past month. Lastly, there are now 3,000 fewer children getting SSDI because of a disabled parent:

September 2023: Total SSD Beneficiaries

Since the start of 2023, the SSA also awarded more than 603,000 new applicants monthly SSD payments. During the past month, the SSA also awarded benefits to all these people whose payments should start in October:

  • 47,440 disabled workers (25,642 men and 21,798 women)
  • 2,384 spouses (268 husbands and 2,116 wives)
  • 19,006 children of disabled workers

September 2023: Looking Deeper at the Monetary Stats

The September 2023 SSD benefits statistics report shows pay amounts changed very little compared to August. Average benefits for children, however, fell by $.61 in the past month. Spouses also saw less money, with an average $.28 less in monthly SSD income. Disabled workers themselves saw a six-cent raise, while the average SSD payment nationwide rose by just one penny:

September 2023 SSD Benefits Statistics Report: Monthly Monetary Average

SSD claims approved in September 2023 are paying the following amounts each month, on average:

  • $1,671.38 for disabled workers ($1,827.45 for men, and $1,487.78 for women)
  • $425.27 for spouses ($357.73 for husbands, and $433.82 for wives)
  • $464.11 for children

September 2023 Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Numbers

This report also tracks disability pay amounts and recipient numbers for the federal SSI program. The September 2023 SSD benefits statistics report shows a steep drop in total SSI beneficiaries this month:

Total SSI beneficiaries: 7,450,000 (-43,000)

Children younger than 18: 986,000 (-8,000)

People aged 18-64: 4,078,000 (-26,000)

SSI recipients aged 65+: 2,386,000 (+2,000)

The following are September 2023’s monthly average SSI payments for every age group:

  • $676.06 (for all groups combined)
  • $797.43 for children
  • $718.87 for those aged 18-64
  • $552.99 for seniors 65 and older (i.e., awards based on age, not disability status)

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Lori Polemenakos is Director of Consumer Content and SEO strategist for LeadingResponse, a legal marketing company. An award-winning journalist, writer and editor based in Dallas, Texas, she's produced articles for major brands such as, Yahoo!, MSN, AOL, Xfinity,, and edited several published books. Since 2016, she's published hundreds of articles about Social Security disability, workers' compensation, veterans' benefits, personal injury, mass tort, auto accident claims, bankruptcy, employment law and other related legal issues.